
Corporate responsability

After more than sixty years of growing activity in the construction, industrial projects, concessions and maintenance sectors, today our organisation has a strong presence in the global market where our subsidiaries are already operating in several countries in Europe, America and Africa, wishing to contribute to the modelling of fairer societies in increasingly sustainable environments.

Since then, we have been working on developing corporate social responsibility within this framework of argument and in accordance with the Principles of the UN Global Compact. And we aspire to achieve increasingly ambitious goals, such as those proposed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), trying to influence climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, among other priorities that we also looking to tackle.

We report our progress using as a reference some indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards that we consider relevant, and also taking as reference the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact, as well as our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals. We do all of this in order to communicate our annual progression to our stakeholders and society in the three-pillar economic, social and environmental field and with maximum precision and transparency.


Our policies

Sustainability reports

Our more versatile team

The main assets of the Copisa Group are its people. Without its human team of professionals in the different business areas, it would not be possible to carry out any of its activities anywhere in the world. People are the driving force of the company and its main competitive advantage is their knowledge, skills and abilities, empowered by motivation and identification with the Group’s general objectives.

At a global level, human resources management policies are oriented towards a rational work-life balance, managing diversity, well-being at work, health and safety and equal opportunities.

Copisa Group earned the Làbora Seal award, which certifies our involvement in the Làbora Programme, dedicated to employment promotion to assist vulnerable people in accessing the labour market.



R&D&I, quality & environment

R&D&I. Innovation drive

Innovation is a driver of transformation which fosters our progress and consequently makes us twice as effective and even more competitive. This is borne out by looking at our recent track record in implementing large infrastructure projects. Today our R&D department tasked with technology watch identifies any scientific breakthroughs in the countless projects that research generates: it measures, assesses and disseminates them among our highly qualified personnel, giving rise to great ideas that take shape in the numerous actions we carry out in both building and civil works.

Committed to using LEAN Techniques

Design and development of remotely piloted aircraft systems.


Quality & environment

Process quality monitoring and improvement are part of our organisation’s business culture which requires the staff working in our group to be as exigent and thorough as possible in order to meet our customers’ expectations.
Our operations’ environmental impact is a priority objective in our environmental policy geared towards controlling or reducing it or finally eliminating it.
Today this process is based on an environmental management system implemented in our organisation under UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015. The successive improvements introduced in it allow us to identify risks and opportunities and determine with greater effectiveness both the objectives and the actions required in order to address any damage to the environment.
The efforts of all our organisation’s departments involved in internal and external analysis processes enable us to identify and control any environmental risk. This Group commitment entails the implementation of a series of measures which have been put in place in recent years. They include:
Environmental training for all group personnel to publicise our environmental policy and the measures to be taken for each project.
• Implementation of measures to lessen environmental impact set out in the environmental IPP for each work or project.
Reuse of site material wherever possible.
Identification of environmental legal requirements applicable to projects and works.
Drawing up emergency plans to ensure an immediate response to any incidents and running training talks to raise awareness among all staff.

Quality, environment, R&D&I and energy integrated policy.

Information security policy.

Workplace health risks prevention

Our management system, based on strict compliance with the ISO 45001:2018 standard, places us in an excellent position when it comes to adapting this standard to the reality of each of our activities and to each of the countries where we operate. In this way, we provide added value to the fulfilment of the main objectives of controlling health and well-being, training and working conditions and equipment.


Our Health, Safety and Well-Being Policy includes the management’s commitment based on the requirements of the Standard, and therefore, we consider safety and well-being in its activity as a key element of business management as the organisation’s primary purpose. In the same way, all our workers go to great lengths to create a safe and healthy working environment. The results obtained, which are reflected in our monitoring indicators, confirms the effectiveness of the policies we have implemented, thus maintaining the trust of all the people in our organisation and that of our public and private-sector clients.


The policy of continuous improvement in occupational risk prevention is a constant in our organisation. However, it should also be noted that, beyond the care we take in terms of occupational risk prevention, we emphasise constant interest in the health of our entire team as the fundamental pillars of the company. It is precisely for this reason that we make each case specific to the environment of our already consolidated culture of health, safety and well-being.


Copisa Group’s safety, health and welfare policy.

Certifications and seals

All of the Copisa Group’s activities are in accordance with current laws, both in respect of obtaining the required accreditations and, where appropriate, the due updates or renewals of certifications and seals already obtained:

Sustainability | Copisa

Copisa Group, Copisa, CPI Industrial Engineering, Natur System, CPI Integrated Services.

Sustainability | Copisa

Copisa Group, Copisa, CPI Industrial Engineering, Natur System, CPI Integrated Services.

Sustainability | Copisa

ISO 9001
Quality Management
System Certificate
(construction area)

Copisa, Copisa Costa Rica, Natur System, EASA.

Sustainability | Copisa

ISO 9001
Quality Management
System Certificate
(industrial area)

CPI Industrial Engineering, CPI Integrated Services.

Sustainability | Copisa

ISO 14001
Environmental Management
System Certificate
(construction area)

Copisa, Copisa Costa Rica, EASA, Natur System.

Sustainability | Copisa

ISO 14001
Environmental Management
System Certificate
(industrial area)

CPI Industrial Engineering, CPI Integrated Services.

Sustainability | Copisa

Copisa, CPI Industrial Engineering, CPI Integrated Services, Natur System.

Sustainability | Copisa

ISO 45001
Health and Safety
System Certificate
(construction area)

Copisa, Copisa Costa Rica, Copisa Panamà, Natur System, EASA.

Sustainability | Copisa

ISO 45001
Health and Safety
System Certificate
(industrial area)

CPI Industrial Engineering, CPI Integrated Services.

Sustainability | Copisa
Sustainability | Copisa