Category Archives: News

Copisa will rehabilitate the breakwater of the largest terminal of the Pacific. Costa Rica

The minister of Public Works and Transport, Rodolfo Méndez, announced the investment in rehabilitating the breakwater in Puerto Caldera, province of Puntarenas. This port has the largest terminal on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and it is the second in the country in terms of moved cargo.

The works consist in reinforcing 594 meters of the breakwater, reinforcing and conditioning 506 meters of road in the area of the breakwater and 240 meters of access, among other works.

The works are scheduled to finish in November 2020 and represent an investment of 12 million dollars.



The Panamá Canal Authority inaugurates the bridge over the Chagres river, Panama

The new bridge over the Chagres River at the town of Gamboa was a necessity, as explained by the manager of the Panamá Canal, Jorge Luis Quijano. The infrastructure will be the main access route, with a larger capacity than the existing one, built in 1908.

In the same way, the Minister of State for Canal Affairs and Chairman of the Board, Roberto Roy, underlined the importance of this infrastructure for the community.

The works consisted in the construction of a new concrete bridge of 278 m long with two lanes, and the execution of 382 m of road for the accesses from the northern and southern side of the bridge. This infrastructure will facilitate crossing the river safely for vehicles and pedestrians.
Radio Panamá

Catalan Water Agency awards Copisa the extension of the Wastewater Treatment Plant at Vila-seca and Salou. Spain

In the coming months Copisa is to carry out the expansion works for the wastewater treatment plant at Vila-seca and Salou to increase its treatment capacity up from the current 47,500 cubic metres to 63,333 while also tailoring the plant to current and future sanitation needs. It will additionally increase the number of people covered since in recent years this has grown exponentially; at present the WWTP serves 197,916 inhabitants while after the work it will have sufficient capacity to handle 263,888.

Copisa is to carry out the expansion works for these facilities

The planned intervention will consist of making several improvements to these facilities and is part of current Catalan water planning (the 2016-2021 plan).
The budget for the award is €5.4 million (VAT included) and the deadline for carrying out the works is 14 months.

Diari de Tarragona
Extension of the waste water treatment plant of Vila-seca Salou, Tarragona.

Construction of the bridge over the Chagres River, Panama, is set to end in September.

The works awarded by the Panama Canal Authority are 90% completed, which means that they are expected to be finalised by September.

This structure has two lanes measuring 278 metres in length, piles, abutments and reinforced concrete beams.

The work includes the rigid concrete paved accesses on either end which connect to the existing roads.
The bridge is being built to ensure greater traffic safety and it will have two lanes and a pavement. It will be of benefit to the community of Gamboa and also the growth of ecotourism.

Entorno inteligente
El Siglo

Awarded to the Joint Venture Copisa-Afex the works of splitting the Ma-19 road of Mallorca, Balearic Islands. Spain

The Consell de Mallorca awarded the works for splitting the Ma-19 road, from the end of the bypass in Llucmajor to Campos, a section of 9 kilometers long with a flow of traffic of approximately 30,000 vehicles per day.

Works of the splitting of the Ma-19 road of Mallorca, Balearic Islands

The Joint Venture formed by Copisa-Afex has achieved the highest score in the bidding of the contracting file. The budget for the execution of the works amounts to 27.4 million, and the deadline for carrying out the work is 22 months.

Diario de Mallorca
El Mundo
Europa Press
Última Hora

COPISA Constructora Pirenaica, pioneering company certified by AENOR with anti-bribery and criminal compliance standards

Copisa Group and its subsidiaries Copisa Constructora Pirenaica and CPI Copisa Industrial have obtained the certifications ISO 37001 for anti-bribery management and UNE 19601 for penal compliance.

Copisa Group and its subsidiaries Copisa Constructora Pirenaica and CPI Copisa Industrial have obtained from AENOR the certifications ISO 37001 involving anti-bribery and UNE 19601 involving criminal compliance, thus becoming the first Spanish construction group to achieve these two awards.

AENOR, a leading company in management systems certification, recognizes that Copisa Group and its subsidiaries have implemented the best practices in criminal and anti-bribery compliance, contributing to create a culture of integrity and business ethics. The Criminal Compliance certificate proves that the organizations have implemented a Criminal Compliance Management System that meets the requirements of the UNE 19601 Standard. This helps to prevent the commission of crimes and to reduce the criminal risk in organizations through the prevention, detection and management of behaviors not in accordance with company standards and current legislation. Moreover, the Anti-bribery certificate accredits that the organizations have implemented an Anti-bribery Management System that meets the requirements of the ISO 37001 Standard, helping organizations to prevent, detect and manage possible criminal bribery behaviors, complying with the legislation and other commitments acquired voluntarily.

Certifications ISO 37001 and UNE 19601 are voluntary and reviewable annually, providing strict guidelines to detect inappropriate behavior and to reduce significantly the risk of commission. Furthermore, they also confirm the existence of a culture of integrity, transparency and honesty in all the activities of the organization.

With these certifications, the Copisa Group’s commitment to transparency and best business practices is recognized. The Management Board of the company appointed a Compliance Committee in 2016 as part of a new Corporate Criminal Risk Management, Prevention and Detection Program, approving, in June 2017, the request to AENOR for the start-up of the process of obtaining both certifications.
With its achievement, a milestone is reached, which marks the business culture started by the current management of the Copisa Group, consolidating its total commitment to transparency and the national and international Good Governance standards. In this way, not only all the people that are part of the Group are involved in it, but it also involves all those agents that are related to the organization, whether they are customers, suppliers or other interest groups.

Economía Digital
Crónica Global
La Vanguardia
Cinco Días
Europa Press

Barcelona City Council grants the Làbora seal to Copisa

The city of Barcelona certifies the recognition to Copisa Constructora Pirenaica, S.A. as a Responsible Organization, and grants the Làbora seal, as hiring people socially vulnerable ensures the equal opportunities for the citizens of Barcelona.

The Làbora Program works to promote employment, and brings socially vulnerable people into labor market.

The project facilitates companies and entities to have access to a pool of candidates to find a person that bests suits their labor hiring needs.

The program has become a tool of reference and transparency, inside and outside the city, for its efficiency, participation and innovation in the employment of people with difficulties to access the labor market, and with full satisfaction of the contracting companies.

The Làbora Program is a City project promoted by the City Institute of Social Services (IMSS), and designed and managed in collaboration with ECAS (Catalan Social Action Entities), FEICAT (Insertion Companies of Catalonia), and the Red Cross.

Recognition to Copisa as a Responsible Organization

Groundbreaking act in the works of the junction to Santiago de Compostela and the Cidade da Cultura from the AP-9 highway, in A Coruña, awarded to Copisa

Today, the Minister of Development, Íñigo de la Serna, together with the President of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, presided over the groundbreaking act of the works of the new junction of the Atlántico highway, AP-9. Junction with the Cidade da Cultura complex and the city of Santiago de Compostela, in the province of A Coruña.

The new junction will be located at kilometer 70 of the AP-9 highway.

The works consist of the construction of four access/exit branches with their corresponding acceleration/deceleration lanes and three roundabouts, one on the east side and two on the west side of the highway. These works will allow moving from the Cidade da Cultura to the AP-9, as well as connecting with the local road of the residential areas of Fontiñas and Sar, resulting in a new entrance to the city center of Santiago de Compostela .
Environmental integration works include protective and corrective measures in relation to soils, water and the hydrological system, air, fauna and flora and waste management, as well as environmental control and monitoring and landscape integration work through the revegetation of the work surfaces.

The total investment of the work amounts to 3.36 million euros.

Ministry of Development

Copisa is awarded the Expansion of Santa Eulària Desalination Plant in Ibiza, Balearic Islands. Spain

The Balearic Agency for Water and Environmental Quality (Abaqua), a public company of the Balearic Ministry of the Environment, has awarded Copisa the works for the expansion of the desalination plant in Santa Eulària, with a budget of 1,132,800 euros.

The expansion of the desalination tank will increase its capacity by 15,000 cubic meters.

The capacity of the tank will be increased by 5,000 cubic meters, in addition to the 10,000 currently available at the facility, reaching a total daily production and storage capacity of 15,000 cubic meters.
Currently, the desalination plant is ready to serve water to the municipalities of the island of Ibiza that request it.

RETEMA Revista Técnica de Medio Ambiente

Diario de Ibiza

Periódico de Ibiza y Formentera

The Joint Venture Copisa, Sato and FCC is awarded the extension of the Adosado Wharf of the port of Barcelona

Awarded the contract for the 3rd phase of the extension of the Adosado Wharf of the port of Barcelona, where the major part of the cruise ships dock. The work will consist of the construction of a 476 meters long dock, with 12 meters deep.

Awarded to Copisa in a Joint Venture with Sato and FCC the extension of the Adosado Wharf of the port of Barcelona

One of the characteristics of this expansion is the construction of an infrastructure for loading and unloading ferries of 60 meters long, which will allow to embark and disembark two ships at the same time.

The work has been awarded for 26 million euros.

La Vanguardia